Education Design

With plans to expand and combine the Ripon Area School District’s Middle and High School, PRA helped assist the School District in successfully passing a $29.1M referendum in November 2014.
Read moreFollowing the referendum success, PRA was hired to provide architectural design and engineering services for the expansion and renovation of existing Ripon High School to accommodate Ripon Middle School in the same facility. The design allows for the School District to provide modern learning environments for both middle and high school students in a facility that is flexible and efficient for both the District and the students.
The resulting building includes:
The collaboration space breaks up long corridors and provide additional teaching and small group space. It also features movable furniture
This space features a glass wall that breaks up the monotony of long hallways to engage students and the public, and the school’s orange energize the space, inciting school spirit
The large expanse of glass brings daylight deep into the building. This space also features a variety of furniture that are reconfigurable to accommodate a variety of activities
The corridor resembles the exterior with the use of metal paneling. The space features shallow alcove that provides areas for flexible seating
The breakout space provides an alternative learning environment, offering an independent collaboration space
The terra cotta metal wall cladding and a dark bronze angled wall and canopy create a dramatic new public entry and provide a transition between the existing building and new addition