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What Can You Learn from 150 Years of Experience?

PRA Healthcare Design and PRA Senior LIving Design leaders work together to share leadership lessons

Learning about past experiences in design and construction is key in order to keep creating quality healthcare environments. The Healthcare in the Built Environment Conference is a chance for Owners, representatives, designers, architects, contractors, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction to continue that education. Healthcare environments are complex systems best accomplished through collaboration and teamwork. This conference is structured to facilitate the communication required to achieve optimal outcomes.

The Plunkett Raysich Architects team will be represented through two breakout sessions and a panel discussion. The panel discussion deals with “the story behind the story,” and will be hosted by Wade Rudolph, Mayo Clinic; Jeff Eckstein, Findorff; David Soens, Division of Quality Assurance, and myself, Mike Scherbel. We will discuss six key challenges and their optimal outcomes: team selection, project goals, design reviews, construction progress, occupancy outcomes, and operational success.

An important part of having an optimal outcome is ensuring proper transfer of the building from construction to facility management. Facility management takes a strong role in hand-off so that they are informed about how to maintain their new asset. Imagine getting a new car and the salesperson hands you the keys and says, “go.” Where are the buttons? It’s important to give facility management the proper tools.

The first breakout session includes Dave Carr and Matt Dekkers from Graham Construction, along with Kevin Broich, our Healthcare Project Manager and Partner. This session, entitled “Adaptive Reuse of Vacated Hospital & Healthcare Buildings,” will provide insights regarding the challenges of reusing inefficient existing buildings and how to deliver faster, lower cost, and higher quality projects.

The second breakout session is LTC Adaptive Reuse: The Process to Reclaiming and Revitalizing Healthcare Physical Environments.” This session includes a case study of Harbor Haven of Fond du Lac County. This is a story of adaptive reuse of an aging nursing home as it is transformed into a state-of-the-art skilled nursing facility. This session is hosted by Mark Radmer of Harbor Haven, Jake Schurr of Jos. Schmitt Construction Company, and Larry Schneider, our Senior Living Planner and Partner.

We hope to see you at the conference on March 14th at the Glacier Canyon Conference Center. For more information, visit