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Healthcare Team talks Dental Office Design with Stan Kinder

Members of the Healthcare Design team, Renee Moe, AIA, EDAC, Jeff Carter, DDS, talk with and Stan Kinder on his Podcast 'Success Strategies for Dental Practice Owners'.

Principal and Member of the PRA Healthcare Design team, Renee Moe, AIA, EDAC and Jeff Carter, DDS of the newly integrated Practice Design Group were recently interviewed for the podcast ‘Success Strategies for Dental Practice Owners’ with Stan Kinder. Together, the group discusses how dental office design influences patient anxiety levels and overall experience in healthcare facilities.

Through listening to their conversation, listeners can unlock key insights essential for dental practice owners striving for success. From the significance of creating inviting spaces to bolster patient trust and confidence, to the utilization of collaboration, tailored projects, and advanced 3D design tools to achieve optimal dental design outcomes, each aspect highlighted the intricate balance between aesthetics and functionality in dental office design.

Listeners can delve into the nuances of navigating complex construction processes, as Moe, Carter, and Kinder highlight the importance of engaging design professionals in creating functional dental offices that prioritize patient-centered experiences.

Dive in and listen more to their conversation wherever you get your podcasts:
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