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Senior Living Design Trends: Confirmation by COVID-19

Senior Living Design Trends:  Confirmation by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed some facilities to make changes quickly. The industry’s underlying concern should maintain focus on design trends with positive outcomes and avoid returning to less useful design ideas. The recent work done by a variety of these facilities has helped to validate some of these design trends as especially useful.

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Rethinking Our Educational Environments

Rethinking Our Educational Environments

Designing Modern Learning Spaces

In rapidly changing world, educators often face with the task of preparing students for careers in industries that do not yet exist.  Globalization and increased mobility add to the need to think differently about how and what our students learn and the physical spaces in which learning occurs. The outdated industrialization model of education no longer serves the needs of today’s learners. There is an increasing demand for personalized and individualized approaches in the educational landscape.

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PRA Presents at the 2020 Digital EdSpaces Convention

PRA Presents at the 2020 Digital EdSpaces Convention

This year we are excited to have two teams sharing stories at the 2020 Digital EdSpaces Convention. Linda Moses and Steve Kieckhafer are hosting a session about harnessing community engagement to help inform interior design and showcase the cultural diversity within a community. The team of Deborah Kerr, Past Immediate Superintendent of the School District of Brown Deer, and Nicholas Kent will explore how transforming a learning community can take years but ultimately leads to positive educational outcomes.

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Video – The New Normal Workplace Virtual Panel

Video – The New Normal Workplace Virtual Panel

Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance Panel Featuring Michael Brush

On June 5, 2020 the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance of Lakewood Ranch, FL hosted another in their series of LEADS events, this time focused on the issues surrounding knowledge workers return to the office during the pandemic.

PRA partner John Holz helped to introduce the segment for PRA partner Michael Brush, who summarized policy recommendations and considerations for new construction.

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Michael Brush Speaking on Panel June 5, 2020

Michael Brush Speaking on Panel June 5, 2020

PRA Partner Michael Brush will offer his insight as a featured panelist 11:00am EDT, June 5, 2020. The event is hosted by the Lakewood Ranch Business Alliance of Lakewood Ranch, FL as a segment within their continous LEADS series focused on Leadership, Education, Awareness, Development Skills.

The New Normal Workplace

This event, titled “The New Normal Workplace” will review strategies focused on helping staff return to work following safer at home.

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